We found pizza, TWICE! It was nice to go to familiar restaurants with familiar foods. I am surprised at how quickly I grew tired of Korean food. I took the food choices in the US for granit. I love choice, especial when it comes to food!
Today in class we made a famous Korean beef dish, bolgolgi.
Hello Daughter,
Loved the pictures!!!Sounds like you are doing well and seeing lots of interesting sites and people. That see-saw thing looks absolutely DANGEROUS:( Thanks for blogging, even when you were tired. It's wonderful keeping up with you during your travels. You're right about Kansas sunsets. They have been especially breathtaking lately. Devin will be here on the 4th for water volleyball. You will be missed, but you'll be home before you know it and stopping at Starbucks. You could click your heels three times and be here. Well, almost:)
Love you,
This is soooo awesome, Alicia!!! :) I know that wonderful feeling of being in a movie theater and feeling like you could be in the states...minus the subtitles. So funny how cultures have different methods of operation. Assigned seats in the theater..I mean, who does that???? hahaha I love the pics and think it's so awesome what you're doing!
Keep up posted!
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